The Elves of Barclay

Lifespan: 120-150 years
Racials: Elf ears, At least one visible rune scar selected from the symbols in the Minor Arcanum circle in either blue, green, or purple.
The Elves of Barclay prize intellect and mastery of magic above all else. Going from a Magocracy to a fractured and recovering society has soured their once wise disposition.
“Life follows patterns, and some are drawn arcane. Action breaks the cycle, a brutal end to our bane.”
-Winds of Wisdom by Erenor Ashmourn
The Barclay elves had one of the most comprehensive collections of written history on all of Mirokath, and pieces of that still remain even to this day. Barclay Elven society took pride in its place as the pioneer of the Arcane Formulae that people use even today to harness magic. As such, competent and talented mages were held in higher regard than the average person. This belief carries forward even to this day, where the Barclay Elves respect the intellect and dedication required to become a skilled mage. Since their cities and way of life were destroyed, the elves place less of an importance on the research and mastery of magic. Their children are still taught the basics of magic, but now along with that they are often taught the blade. Wanting to move towards rebuilding civilization as quickly as possible, the Barclay elves have adopted a strict and unfeeling sort of meritocracy. Those that are fit for the job are given the job to do, regardless of feelings or tenure. Because of this, their leadership structure is more diverse than it has been in previous generations as young, and ambitious elves have taken to leading their peers. Should someone in their society not be competent for a job, they are sent to do a different one until they find which one they excel at. Barclay Elves of all stations have little acceptance for failure, and those that are shown to repeatedly fail are put where their failures can do as little damage as possible.
The Barclay have embraced art much more in the Second Age than they ever have in previous ages. To them, artistic pursuits are to be treated like a hobby. They serve to help ease the mind and vent emotions pent up from the large amount of personal pressure they put upon themselves. Their art tends to be more geared towards expression, and less towards narrative. Bold colours and vivid imagery are the norm there. This carries over to their clothing, which favours rich colours and elegant designs. In addition to art becoming more popular to the Barclay, they have also redoubled their efforts in record keeping. Historians are some of the most treasured people in Barclay society, and it is seen as more of a lifestyle than a job. The goal of accurate and unbiased information is a constant pursuit for many.
Relationships have not changed much from how they were seen in times passed. They are held in a very casual regard, and are less of a priority than their other pursuits in life. Marriages are presided over by a close personal friend of both people being married, and being given the offer of presiding over a marriage is seen as a large compliment.
Children are raised by both parents equally, as they seek to pass on their best traits to their children. Most children are taught literacy before anything else, then magic. Only after basic magical training is a child allowed to find their vocation. There are no specific coming of age ceremonies, but a child is considered an adult only after they have begun training on their vocation.
The Barclay Elves are more religious than their Camdene cousins, and their religious tendencies differ greatly. Worship of their creator, Vumella, is tied with the worship of Penoriel and Aria. These are simply the most common, and worship of every deity in the Mirokath pantheon is possible amongst the Barclay.